Doctrinal dicastery says transexuals can be baptized

If it would not cause scandal or confusion among other Catholics, “a transsexual may receive baptism under the same conditions as other faithful,” said a document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Pope encourages children to speak up, work for peace

Thousands of children representing every continent joined Pope Francis for the event “Let Us Learn from Boys and Girls” to focus attention on children’s simple and sincere desires for peace and harmony in the world.

Domingo Mudial de las Misiones

abiendo llegado a conocer a Jesús a través de las Escrituras y la Eucaristía, los católicos están llamados a compartir con los demás la esperanza y la alegría que provienen de la fe y que perduran incluso cuando la vida se vuelve difícil, dijo el Papa Francisco.