Prayer and praise for Our Lady of Fatima

A rosary rally honoring the 102nd anniversary of Mary’s appearance at Fatima was held Oct. 13 beginning with a prayer service in the Unity Garden at St. Katharine Drexel School in St. Cloud. Bishop Donald Kettler joined those attending in procession to St. Mary’s Cathedral where he presided at a eucharistic service of prayer and praise. (Photos by Dianne Towalski)


Bishop Donald Kettler presided at the eucharistic service of prayer and worship.

Deacon Mike Benda places the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance during the prayer service.








The procession gets close to St. Mary’s Cathedral.
Bishop Donald Kettler joined the procession to St. Mary’s.
The procession crosses the bridge over the Mississippi River on Division Street.
The procession crosses the bridge over the Mississippi River on Division Street.
The event started with a prayer service in the Unity Garden at St. Katharine Drexel School in St. Cloud.
Nikolas Zabinski, left, and seminarians Scott Kahler, Mark Nosbush and Lucas Gerads carry the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in the procession.

Author: Dianne Towalski

Dianne Towalski is a multimedia reporter for The Central Minnesota Catholic Magazine.

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