Seminarian snapshots – Steven Wielenberg

The Diocese of St. Cloud has 13 seminarians in priestly formation at five seminaries.

Some men enter the seminary right after graduating from high school or while they are attending their first four years of college. These men enter at the college level, or minor seminary. After graduation, they move on to four years of theology at a major seminary.

Other men discern their calling to the priesthood after they have completed college. These men enter what is called “pre-theology,” usually at a major seminary for two years, and then enter four additional years of theology.

In honor of National Vocation Awareness Week, Nov. 5-11, The Visitor is featuring “snapshots” of the diocese’s newest seminarians, who share something about themselves and their vocational calling.

Steven Wielenberg

Age: 26

Steven Wielenberg

Home parish: Our Lady of the Angels, Sauk Centre

Seminary and year of study: The St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Pre-Theology 2

Most loved book or movie: There are so many good books that I have read; my favorite is probably “Jesus of Nazareth” by Pope Benedict.

Favorite college course so far: Parish Ministry

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life it would be: Probably chicken and potatoes

What makes you laugh the most: Life in general

Favorite prayer: the Mass

Song you would sing at karaoke night: “Piano Man” or most classic ‘80s hits

Top three hobbies or activities: Visiting parishioners, especially families, Minnesota parish history, playing cards

• What is your favorite thing about being Catholic?

I would definitely say that my favorite thing about being Catholic is the Eucharist. I love spending time in daily prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and, of course, receiving Jesus in Holy Communion each day.

• Who has been instrumental in helping form your faith? How?

First of all, I had the benefit of good parents and a good family life where the practice of the faith has always been central. I’ve also had the blessing of knowing many stellar St. Cloud diocesan priests who really nurtured my faith and my vocation and continue to encourage me today. Finally, the people of God have been so good to me over the years in the numerous parishes I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in.

What advice would you give to someone who might be called to a religious vocation?

Three things:

1. “Do not be afraid of Christ, he takes nothing away and gives you everything. When we give ourselves to him we receive a hundredfold in return.” (Pope Benedict)

2. God always has the best plan in mind for you and oftentimes that is not the plan you had in mind initially. Always be patient and keep moving forward.

3. Wherever you are in life right now, be abundantly generous with your time — in prayer with God and in service to the church and to others. You will find great joy in that.

Author: The Visitor

The Visitor is the official newpaper for the Diocese of Saint Cloud.

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