The annual parish social ministry training day sponsored by Catholic Charities is Saturday, Oct. 14, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Seven Dolors Parish Center, 151 2nd St., Albany.
“Building a Hopeful Future: A Look at What Lies Ahead” is the theme for the day, which begins with opening prayer with Bishop Donald Kettler.
Kathy Langer, diocesan director of social concerns, and Abdirizak Jama, who works for the Catholic Charities social concerns office as refugee community organizer/outreach coordinator, will give an overview of new immigrant and refugee outreach followed by a Q&A session.
The afternoon will feature a panel on social ministry in action, small group sharing and resources.
Presenters include Rhonda Dingmann, pastoral assistant and director of faith formation and youth ministry in the Albany/St. Martin cluster; Colleen Borgerding and Christy Kallevig, members of Belgrade, Brooten, Elrosa Neighbors in Christ; and Dianne DeVargas, member of the social ministry group at St. Joseph Parish in St. Joseph.
Registration, which includes lunch, is $10 before Oct. 6 and $15 afterwards. Register online at or email at