Durante su último año de escuela secundaria, Susana Coronado pasó todos los lunes por la noche en su parroquia, St. Leonard en Pelican Rapids, como catequista […]
Los retiros católicos influyen en los adolescentes que van a la universidad para atraer a otros a la fe
Have you heard about the Diocesan Youth Council?
The Diocesan Youth Council was formed to create an impactful way for the young Church of today to help adults keep current on the needs of the young Church population.
Sacred Heart School offers new toddler program
“We wanted to create a one-stop drop for our families — a place where they can be together as families, and a place parents know even their littlest children are taken care of.”
‘Bright future’ for Catholic schools in Diocese of St. Cloud, expert says at educators’ day
Just before the new school year begins, educators from around the diocese took a break from preparing their classrooms to gather with their peers Aug. 19 at St. Mary Parish in Alexandria for a day of networking and development.
What does Archbishop Henning’s appointment to Boston mean for the US church?
In one of the most significant U.S. appointments of his pontificate, Pope Francis has given Boston its seventh archbishop. Archbishop Richard G. Henning will take the reins of America’s fourth-largest diocese on Oct. 31.
National Eucharistic Congress: Unpacking an imperfect experience of God’s perfect love
Through this experience, we prayed together in adoration, completed interactive tasks to help us see tangible things we do each day to bring God’s love into our home and to others, and prayed for our own Domestic Church.
New immersion course explores depth of rural life
This summer the seed grew into reality. In early June the SOT, in partnership with the Mexican-American Catholic College and the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, launched the first annual Rural Immersion Program.
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage: Perpetual Pilgrim Jennifer Torres reflects upon her 60-day journey along the Marian route
Jennifer Torres was one of the last of the pilgrims to enter St. John the Evangelist Church July 16 in Indianapolis at the end of her 60-day journey on the Marian Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage.
After an initial interview with Torres in May, Amber Walling caught up with Torres at the NEC to continue the conversation. Here are excerpts from their visit.