Nuevo curso de inmersió explora en profundidad la vida rural.
Nuevo curso de inmersió explora en profundidad la vida rural
Vatican excommunicates Archbishop Viganò, found guilty of schism
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former nuncio to the United States, has been excommunicated after being found guilty of schism, the Vatican said.
Deacon Nathaniel Daubner: Prayer helped with choice between police or priesthood
On June 8, Deacon Nathaniel Dauber was ordained as a transitional deacon at St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Cloud.
Deacon Joseph VanDenheuvel: Curiosity led him to the seminary
Curiosity led Deacon Joseph VanDenheuvel to attend the seminary. He was ordained a transitional deacon at St. Mary’s Cathedral June 8.
Living our Faith on God’s Holy Land: Long Prairie couple to host 2024 Rural Life Celebration
Long Prairie couple will host 2024 Rural Life Celebration.
Deacon Robert Craven: Called to service after attending diocesan men’s conference
Deacon Robert Craven was called to service after attending diocesan men’s conference. He was ordained June 8 at St. Mary’s Cathedral.
Deacon Kelly Marthaler: Encounter with man in New York City led to diaconate vocation
An encounter with man in New York City led Deacon Kelly Marthaler to his diaconate vocation at St. Mary’s Cathedral on June 8.
Vivir nuestra fe en la Tierra de Dios: La pareja de Long Prairie será la anfitriona de la Celebración de la Vida Rural 2024
La pareja de Long Prairie será la anfitriona de la Celebración de la Vida Rural 2024.