Obispo Kettler dijo, “En esta columna final, quiero ofrecer algunas palabras de aliento y de despedida.”
Obispo Kettler: Despedida en vísperas de jubilarme
Bishop Kettler: Parting thoughts on the eve of retirement
In his final column to the Diocese of St. Cloud, Minnesota. Bishop Donald Kettler offers some parting words.
Official: January 5, 2023
The Most Reverend Donald J. Kettler, Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Cloud, makes the following appointment in the Diocese of Saint Cloud, effective December 1, […]
Obispo Kettler: Bienvenida al nuevo pastor de la diócesis
“¡Únanse a mí para darle una cálida bienvenida al obispo electo Neary! Él ya ha aprendido mucho sobre nuestra Iglesia en el centro de Minnesota, y aprenderá mucho más cuando comience a visitar nuestras parroquias, las comunidades católicas de área y las órdenes religiosas locales.”
Bishop Kettler: Welcoming the diocese’s new shepherd
“Please join me in giving Bishop-elect Neary a warm welcome! He has already learned much about our Church in central Minnesota, and he will learn much more when he begins to visit our parishes, Area Catholic Communities and religious communities.”
Officials: December 1, 2022
The Most Reverend Donald J. Kettler, Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Cloud, makes the following appointments in the Diocese of Saint Cloud, effective October 1, […]
Obispo Kettler: Ejercicios de Adviento para mejorar nuestra salud espiritual
Nos ejercitamos espiritualmente cuando nos comprometemos con las rutinas diarias de lectura de las Escrituras y oración, participamos en la misa dominical, servimos a los demás y practicamos la gratitud y la compasión.
Bishop Kettler: Advent exercises to improve our spiritual health
Exercises that benefit our spiritual health include daily routines of Scripture reading and prayer, participating in Sunday Mass, serving others, and practicing gratitude and compassion.