Learn key terms and facts associated with Bishop-elect Neary’s ordination.
Ordination 101: What to watch for
Preguntas y respuestas con el obispo Kettler
La revista, El Católico de Minnesota Central se reunió con el obispo en Enero para reflexionar sobre su tiempo en Minnesota Central.
Q&A with Bishop Kettler: ‘When you see people happy and faithful, you can feel it. That’s been the biggest blessing.’
The Central Minnesota Catholic spoke with Bishop Kettler to reflect on his time in Central Minnesota.
Longtime friend of Bishop-elect Neary writes hymn for ordination Mass
“When I went to St. Cloud’s website, there it is right there: ‘heart of mercy, voice of hope, hands of justice.’ And I’m like, what a stunning mission statement for a diocese,” Steven Warner said. “It’s very humbling to be able to put music around a lofty ideal.”
Photos: Central Minnesota Catholics pray, march for life in St. Paul
Members of the Diocese of St. Cloud joined pro-lifers from around the state in St. Paul on Sunday, Jan. 22, for the 2023 March for Life.
Conozca al décimo obispo de la Diócesis de St. Cloud
El Papa Francisco había elegido al obispo más nuevo de St. Cloud: el padre Patrick Neary, C.S.C., nativo de Indiana y sacerdote de la Congregación de la Santa Cruz.
Meet the 10th bishop of the Diocese of St. Cloud
How did Father Neary discern his vocation? What does he do in his free time? Find out by reading our Q&A with the bishop-elect.
Father Patrick Neary, C.S.C, appointed as 10th bishop of the Diocese of St. Cloud
Pope Francis has named Father Patrick Neary, C.S.C., a member of Congregation of Holy Cross, as the 10th bishop of the Diocese of Saint Cloud.