Báculo tallado a mano por Paul Sirba, un artista de Minnesota, con el escudo de armas para el obispo Neary.
Báculo tallado a mano con el escudo de armas para el obispo Neary
CCHD benefit organizations work together to lift up East African and Latino workers
The Greater Minnesota Worker Center and Fe y Justicia offer joint programs that provide training to immigrant workers to help them become leaders in their communities. The goal, according to the Fei y Justicia website, is that they advocate for themselves and others with strength and dignity.
Andrew Dinners aim to help young men discern their vocation
Each year, the Vocation Office of the Diocese of St. Cloud hosts two Andrew Dinners – one in the spring and one in the fall – to support and encourage young men in discerning a vocation.
First responders, wife honored for role in deacon’s amazing recovery
Deacon Steve Pareja suffered what his doctors called “a sudden death event,” during the night of March 28, 2024, Holy Thursday.
New principals take the helm at two Catholic schools in the diocese
The schools of the St. Cloud Diocese open their new year with two new principals, saying goodbye to another.
Auction company wins third annual Rural Business Award
Mid-American Auction Co., Inc. was awarded the third annual Rural Business Award by the Office of Social Concerns of the Diocese of St. Cloud during the annual Rural Life Celebration Aug. 18.
Photos: Annual Rural Life Celebration
The annual Rural Life Celebration was held Aug. 18 at the Nathan and Samantha Middendorf Farm in Long Prairie.
Photos of the week: August 16, 2024
Photos featured this week include the U.S. women’s soccer team, a Marian procession through the Chinatown and Lower East Side sections of New York City and Pope Francis sharing a moment with members of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary.