Like other people of goodwill, I want to be part of the solution for putting an end to the sins of prejudice, discrimination and racism.
Racism: A few ideas for confronting today’s challenges
Coping in healthy ways during this pandemic
Try prayer and these common sense ways to stay healthy to counteract the increased stress due to the coronavirus.
Story of Austrian Catholic hero a must-read for World War II historians
The book’s narratives of the people and events of Germany and Austria in the period leading up to and during World War II are well-written, even gripping at times.
Joe Towalski: Spreading the Good News through good stories
Our resources — print publications, websites, social media — help us to tell our stories of faith, love and the hope we celebrate this Easter season even in the midst of a pandemic.
Palm Sunday reflection — ‘obedient to death’
“If you knew you were going to die, what would it mean to die with dignity?”
Joe Towalski: Be patient, be kind — we can get through this together
We are called to sacrifice and practice our Lenten disciplines in ways that we couldn’t imagine just a few months ago.
Joe Towalski: How to stay connected and deepen your Lenten experience
The new diocesan app can strengthen our faith with Bible readings, reflections, prayers, articles and much more.
Joe Towalski: The future of Catholic schools
In the February issue of the magazine, read about the future of Catholic schools, a preview of the 2020 state legislative session and a new effort that uses technology to evangelize.