In the Bible, any time period that consists of the number 40 is significant.
Theology 101: The number 40
Santo de la semana: San Pedro Damián
FESTIVIDAD: 21 DE FEBRERO San Pedro Damián surgió como una voz de verdad y reforma cuando la Iglesia luchaba contra la corrupción y la inmoralidad. Llamado […]
Saint of the Month: St. Peter Damian
St. Peter Damian emerged as a voice of truth and reform at a time when the Church was struggling with corruption and immorality.
Stewardship: A sacrifice of praise
“We must learn to give the best we have to God and others. Why? It is not just because God promises great blessings when we do, but because the meaning of our lives is found in becoming like Jesus.”
Welcoming Jesus with the joyful O Antiphons
Each O Antiphon calls Jesus a different name inspired by Old Testament prophetic writings.
Saint spotlight: St. Nicholas
His feast is celebrated on Dec. 6. And whether he makes his appearance as a bishop on a white horse or a jolly old man in red, St. Nicholas is probably one of the most universally known symbols of the Christmas season throughout the world.
Acogiendo a Jesús con las alegres Antífonas de la O
La semana previa a la Navidad es bulliciosa y está repleta de listas de tareas pendientes. Las compras de última hora, el horneado de galletas, la […]
Saint of the Week: St. Jerome
St. Jerome is a doctor of the Church.