Bishop Donald Kettler, along with the other bishops from Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, met with Pope Francis in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican Jan. 13. The bishops were making their “ad limina” visits to the Vatican to report on the status of their dioceses to the pope and Vatican officials.
Pope Francis greets Bishop Donald J. Kettler of St. Cloud, during a meeting with U.S. bishops from North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican Jan. 13. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) Pope Francis walks to his seat during the meeting with bishops from North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) Pope Francis greets clerics in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican. Deacon Tom Skaja is pictured second from left, Deacon Patrick Hoeft from St. Louis Parish in Paynesville is next to him and Deacon Brady Keller from St. Gall Parish in Tintah is next to him. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) Deacon Tom Skaja, a seminarian of the Diocese of St. Cloud from Annunciation Parish in Mayhew Lake, greets Pope Francis as Bishop Kettler looks on Jan. 13, during the bishop’s “ad limina” visit in Rome. (Photo courtesy of Deacon Tom Skaja)
Author: The Central Minnesota Catholic
The Central Minnesota Catholic is the magazine for the Diocese of St. Cloud.