Bishop Kinney headed the Diocese of St. Cloud from 1995 until his retirement in 2013. An ardent supporter of Catholic social teaching, marriage, youth, and collaborative ministry, he strove to lead in the spirit of the diocese’s mission statement: to be Christ’s “heart of mercy, voice of hope and hands of justice.”
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- Photo 1 -- Jan. 1977 photo of John F. Kinney.
- PHOTOGRAPH BY CRAIG BORCK/ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS -- Rev. John Kinney, right, and Rev. Paul Dudley listen as Archbishop Roach reads the mandate from Pope Paul VI making them bishops on Jan. 25, 1977. Thirty other bishops, papal delegate Archbishop Jean Jadot and several thousand invited guests attended the ceremonies.
- PHOTOGRAPH BY CRAIG BORCK/ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS -- The Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis officially received two new auxiliary bishops Jan. 25, 1977 as the Rev. Paul Dudley, right, and the Rev. James Kinney, left were ordained as bishops in ceremonies at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis. Archbishop John Roach places the mitre on Dudley, right.
- Bishop Kinney working at a carnival in North Dakota.
- Bishop Kinney visiting the students at St. Patrick's Catholic School in Dickinson, North Dakota in 1981.
- Bishop Kinney greets the crowd outside after his installation Mass, July 6, 1995. Photo by Dianne Towalski
- Bishop Kinney blessing tractors in North Dakota.
- Bishop John Kinney reads to fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders at St. Wendelin School in Luxemburg in February 2004, for the schools annual read-a-thon fundraiser.
- Father Father Jerry Nordick laughs as Bishop John Kinney tries on a cap after a blessing of new church doors at St. Lawerence Church in Rush Lake in September, 2000. Photo by Dianne Towalski
- Derek Biggs of Sacred Heart Parish in Staples is greeted by Bishop Kinney during the Rite of Election at St. Mary’s Cathedral in 2004. Photo by Dianne Towalski
- The Most Reverend John F. Kinney welcomes Candidates during the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion at The Church of St. Augustine. Photo by Paul Middlestaedt
- Bishop Kinney celebrates Mass with Bishop Conde during a delegation visit to Maracay, Venezuela.