Breakfast with the Bishop set for May 1

Breakfast with the Bishop, an annual event that helps to raise funds and awareness for the Catholic Schools Scholarship Fund Endowment, will be held virtually from 9 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Saturday, May 1. It will feature Bishop Donald Kettler and a video about the schools of the Diocese of St. Cloud.

“Each year, earnings of the fund are paid out to students from kindergarten to eighth grade at all diocesan schools,” said David Eickhoff, executive director of the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of St. Cloud, which is sponsoring the event. “Since 2013, we’ve awarded 884 scholarships totaling $277,400. In December 2020, we achieved a fund balance of $1 million and now set our sights on reaching $2 million.”

To reserve a spot, contact Alice Coudron at 320-258-7656, or email

Photo: Bishop Donald Kettler smiles while listening to a speaker at Breakfast with the Bishop in 2019. (Photo by Paul Middlestaedt)

Author: The Central Minnesota Catholic

The Central Minnesota Catholic is the magazine for the Diocese of St. Cloud.

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