Bridges support us, protect us, provide safe passage, connect us and assist us in arriving at a new place. This is the foundation — and the name — of a recently formed group at St. Francis Xavier Church in Sartell designed to provide support and social activities for those who have lost a loved one.
Bridges group provides ‘safe passage’ from one place in life to another
Year of Mercy leaves indelible mark in diocese
With the special year coming to a close Nov. 20, words and phrases like “Holy Door,” “pilgrimage,” “corporal and spiritual works of mercy,” “dialogue,” “reconciliation” and “healing” call out for further reflection. For many, these encounters with God’s mercy have left a mark that won’t disappear when the jubilee year ends.
Visit the Imprisoned
Online Lesson: These online lessons may be used: • by individuals anytime, anywhere. • in group settings — families, faith sharing groups, faith formation programs, and […]
Battle with alcoholism teaches couple that forgiveness is ‘greatest act of mercy’
Setting foot in the warm comfort of Joe and Lori Leis’ rural home near Princeton, the casual observer would never guess the trials the loving, hospitable […]
Pray for the Living and the Dead
Online Lesson: These online lessons may be used: • by individuals anytime, anywhere. • in group settings — families, faith sharing groups, faith formation programs, and […]
The nitty-gritty of surrogacy arrangements
Editor’s note: This is the second story in a series on surrogacy, which a Minnesota State Legislature commission is studying as it prepares to make public […]
Bear Wrongs Patiently
Online Lesson: These online lessons may be used: • by individuals anytime, anywhere. • in group settings — families, faith sharing groups, faith formation programs, and […]
Think of the children?
This is the first story in a series on surrogacy, which a Minnesota Legislature commission is studying as it prepares to make public policy recommendations on […]