“I was impressed with the letter’s pastoral approach, especially his desire to support families facing challenges during the ongoing pandemic.”
Bishop Kettler: Pope’s letter to married couples offers advice both timely and timeless
Bishop Kettler: Temporary COVID protocols will protect people, health systems
“We are a Church that understands the significance of sacrifice, and so I’m asking you to make some additional sacrifices for the good of our communities and our people.”
Bishop Kettler: Synod process, Eucharistic Revival have power to revitalize the Church
“I look forward to our diocese’s involvement in these initiatives, and I hope you will participate as much as you are able.”
Bishop Kettler: What are we waiting for?
The Advent season is a gift — one that helps us to focus less on ourselves and more clearly and intentionally on the One who is coming.
Bishop Kettler: Pray. Participate. Listen. Discern.
“We are preparing for a journey that will deepen our communion with each other, encourage us to listen and learn from one another, and help us to better live out our mission as baptized members of the Church.”
Bishop Kettler: We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard
“In a world where so much divides us, World Mission Sunday unites us as missionaries to help build the body of Christ through a shared mission of hope, goodness and compassion.”
Bishop Kettler: The cost of missionary discipleship
“Catholic social teaching gives us a framework within which to address and respond to some of the most serious issues we face today as a society.”
Bishop Kettler: An obligation rooted in love
“My hope is that we return as parish communities to the celebration of the Eucharist with great joy.”