Keys to guiding the disaffiliated back to Church include prayer, patience and being a good example.
Guiding children back to the Church
Ask Father Tom: Legalizing assisted suicide
Catholic teaching obliges us to use ordinary means to preserve our life and health, that we might make our days count.
Beyond the fourth of July fireworks
True freedom for Catholics requires responsibility.
How can I keep my faith growing over the summer?
Summer is an opportunity to grow in friendship with the Lord.
Ask Father Tom: Change and the Word
Our ability to adapt creatively is a defining aspect of human nature.
How can I deepen my understanding of Holy Week?
The Passion narrative was carefully crafted and densely rich with layered meanings, connecting with salvation history and the fulfillment of vague foreshadowings throughout the Hebrew Scriptures.
How can I have a good Lent this year?
Lent means most to us when we ask, not “How do I want to change?” but rather, “Jesus, how do you want me to change?”