How can we — sincerely say “thanks” to our Heavenly Father? Well, thankfully our Creator has given us a lot of ways to do just that. Seven appear here.
7 ways to say ‘thanks’ to God
Father Ron Rolheiser: Helplessness as Fruitful
Sometimes passivity is more fruitful and generative than if we were doing something. We see an example of this in Jesus. He gave both his life and his death for us – but in separate moments.
Virtue of simplicity: How decluttering our lives and homes advances our spiritual lives
Religious brothers and sisters pledge a sacred oath that shields them from basements overrun by toys, collected miscellanea, and clutter. The simple life helps pave a path to heaven; a path laypeople would be wise to follow.
Through a glass darkly: With God there is always more
To be able to see into the depths of God’s Revelation, we need to have in us the mind of Christ Jesus, so often we consider a scene, in a shallow fashion, taking it at face value.
Follow Christ’s model for your unity of life
The state or condition called “unity of life” isn’t a virtue in itself. It includes the determination to do the Father’s will, come what may.
Father Ron Rolheiser: The Power of Words
Words give us meaning. We can’t make or remake reality, but the words we choose to name our reality can lift us out of the humdrum of everyday experience.
What justifies prayers for the dead? Why isn’t the pope called Francis I?
Where does the tradition of praying for the dead come from, and do all popes have a number behind their name?
‘What must I do?’ Living ‘Veritatis Splendor” and the beauty of the moral life
St. John Paul II’s “Veritatis Splendor” views the moral life through the lens of the rich young man, who comes to Christ asking what he must do to inherit eternal life.