EL PASO, Texas (CNS) — By the time the action started at the Sun Bowl Stadium Feb. 17 for the simulcast of Pope Francis’ Mass from […]
Slow day at Sun Bowl turns into party, then settles down for Mass viewing
Building walls to keep immigrants out is not Christian, pope says
CNS – As the plane carrying him back to Rome from Mexico was flying over Texas, Pope Francis insisted building walls to keep immigrants out of […]
‘No more death, no more exploitation,’ pope says at U.S.-Mexico border
(CNS) – Speaking from the symbolic platform of the U.S.-Mexico border, Pope Francis pleaded for the plight of immigrants while warning those refusing to offer safe […]
In silence, pope remembers those who cross Mexican-U.S. border
(CNS) – At the border of Mexico and the United States, Pope Francis blessed a large cross in memory of all the people who have crossed […]
Justice Scalia remembered as both an upstanding Catholic and jurist
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Tributes to the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia poured in almost as soon as news emerged of his Feb. 13 death at […]
Pope snaps at pilgrim who caused him to fall into boy in wheelchair
MORELIA, Mexico (CNS) — Excitement turned potentially dangerous and elicited an angry snap from Pope Francis at a meeting with young people in Morelia Feb. 16. […]
Pope tells Mexican prisoners society needs system of ‘social health’
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (CNS) — Pope Francis urged society to rethink its ideas of locking up inmates and throwing away the key, calling such an approach […]
Talk to new bishops does not change guidelines on abuse, Vatican says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A talk given to new bishops during a Vatican-sponsored course does not represent new guidelines on the church’s response to abuse against […]