This year’s Mass honoring first responders, particularly on this 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, will be Sept. 11 at St. Boniface in Cold Spring.
From the editor: 20 years ago, terror hit home with 9/11 attacks
Joe Towalski: Let’s show support for farmers and rural communities
“The work of these and other family farmers to put food on our tables is more than a job, it’s a vocation.”
Joe Towalski: Thankful for a mother’s love in unsettled times
Our Lady of Lourdes and Mary, Undoer of Knots are two of Mary’s titles that speak particularly to these times.
From the Editor: Coming to you from a new spot in the magazine
We highlight new features, additions and changes in the magazine, like Catholic social teaching 101 and a focus on a local Good Samaritan.
From the editor: New seven-part series on Catholic social teaching debuts
“We hope you find this educational series valuable and will use it in your home and parish to reflect more deeply on how CST helps us to answer the call to discipleship and promote the common good.”
From the editor: Enriching our ‘domestic Church’ this Lent
Joseph, Mary and Jesus are models of how our domestic churches should operate: with humility, sacrifice and service.
A plea to my fellow Catholics
“It’s time for our faith to drive our politics, instead of the other way around.”
Tell us about a Good Samaritan in your community
Pope Francis’ encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” reminds us that we are all called to love one another, including those on the peripheries of society.