St. Nicholas is a model of faith-in action worth emulating as we prepare for the Christmas season.
St. Nicholas Day: A time to celebrate charity and justice
From the editor: Our work has just begun
“The responsibilities of faithful citizenship don’t end on Election Day. We must work with our elected officials — whether we voted for them or not — to make our communities and world better places to live for everyone.”
Joe Towalski: Freedom and social responsibility
“As St. John Paul II said during one of his visits to the United States: ‘Every generation of Americans needs to know that freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought.'”
Preparing ourselves as faithful citizens
Catholic social tradition can help the human family heal this world that suffers from serious illnesses.
Joe Towalski: ‘Civilize It’ pledge should guide our public conversations
“Engaging in respectful dialogue doesn’t mean compromising our convictions or commitment to the truth. But it does require us to love our neighbor as Christ instructed us and treat them with respect.”
Racism: A few ideas for confronting today’s challenges
Like other people of goodwill, I want to be part of the solution for putting an end to the sins of prejudice, discrimination and racism.
Coping in healthy ways during this pandemic
Try prayer and these common sense ways to stay healthy to counteract the increased stress due to the coronavirus.
Joe Towalski: Spreading the Good News through good stories
Our resources — print publications, websites, social media — help us to tell our stories of faith, love and the hope we celebrate this Easter season even in the midst of a pandemic.