We are committed to sharing local news stories and use several digital resources to evangelize and to help readers stay updated.
Staying connected
Survey says: Invitation, prayer key to discerning vocation to priesthood
National survey offers insight into the 2019 ordination class.
Pope Francis speaks to young people
Pope Francis addresses young people directly in his apostolic exhortation, “Christus Vivit” (“Christ Lives”).
Saving the treasures of our Church
The fire and the pledges to rebuild Notre Dame should also remind us of some other important things — about the Church and about the good that humanity can accomplish at its best.
A two-part plan for strengthening our pro-life efforts
Education and advocacy are two ways to promote a pro-life culture and ensure that abortion laws aren’t expanded.
Social media and fostering authentic community
Social media and social network communities aren’t inherently good or bad. It depends on how we use them.
Walking humbly with God on a path to end racism
If we heed the prophet Micah’s prophetic voice, we will go a long way toward healing this terrible wound that still festers in our nation.
How will you be a pro-life witness?
Defending life and promoting the dignity of the human person are core teachings of our Catholic faith. This month of January provides some special opportunities to be a pro-life witness.