During this unusual time, appreciate the wonder at being in the presence of Jesus by being present to others.
[Not so] ordinary time
Deacon Steve Pareja: Together we can make a different tomorrow
Catholic Charities serves those in need in new ways due to the coronavirus.
Regional gatherings gain momentum in second year
Teams of diocesan staff will build relationships with ACCs instead of holding Regional Ministry Gatherings.
Father Scott Pogatchnik: Lenten training to reach our heavenly home
Lent, our own ‘spring training,’ prepares us for the mysteries of Holy Week.
Maureen Otremba: Communal healing
Sacraments are communal and it is appropriate they are celebrated in a gathered community.
Father Steve Binsfeld: Here’s to hymns and hymnals!
The rich repository of hymns and hymnals offers carefully crafted theology and conveys the Gospel message of saving grace.
Kristin Molitor: The school of Advent
“It is necessary to sit in the school of Advent so that we can learn that in our darkest hour it is safe to trust and that perhaps, it is in our darkest hour, that it is safest to trust.”
Bailey Ziegler: One Body — gathered, nourished, sent
At the conclusion of Mass, we are sent forth to share the Gospel and to bring the Eucharist into the world.