Venturing into the political realm today can be an unappealing prospect. Sometimes it seems that American politics appeals to our base fears and prejudices while advancing […]
Bringing Christ to the caucus
International clergy: Blessing locally and around the world
As a mission territory for many years, the United States first saw priests from Spain, France and Portugal arrive as early as 1523 to bring the […]
Unraveling the mystery of mercy in our lives and our diocese
I don’t know about you, but for me the meaning of the Year of Mercy is a bit hard to grasp, and I would agree with […]
Oh, what a tangled web: rising above Instagram envy
Melina Birchem has uploaded 777 images to her Instagram account over the past two years: sushi, Starbucks, her new tattoo, rosary beads, cowboy boots. Sometimes the […]
What opportunities for growth do you have this Lent?
What is God trying to teach me now? A few weeks ago, he blessed us with beautiful new snow. Then, soon after, the thermometer read 40 […]
Building relationships will build bridges between faiths, cultures
Offering assistance to immigrants, refugees and other newcomers is an important tenet of Catholic social teaching. The command to “welcome the stranger” comes no less than […]
What ingredients make for a good mealtime prayer?
Wisely, the Jewish tradition of prayer holds it unthinkable to ask anything of God without first offering praise and thanks Q: In my family, as […]
Celebrate your marriage this Valentine’s Day and beyond
Some possibilities include praying together, participating in regular date nights and giving a heartfelt card Here we are, just days before St. Valentine’s Day — a […]