Catholics and the next four years

That Donald Trump should re-enter the Oval Office as a uniter, not a divider, is almost certainly too much to ask. But he will enter as a second-term president, which means that, if he so chooses, he can spend four years governing rather than campaigning.

Father Ron Rolheiser: A Universal Creed

As a Christian, I pray two creeds, The Apostles’ Creed and The Nicene Creed. But I also pray another creed which grounds me in some deep truths which are not always sufficiently recognized as inherent in our Christian creeds. This creed, given in the Epistle to the Ephesians, is stunningly brief and simply reads: There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God who is Father of us all.

Catholic Citizenship: Because we care, we vote

When looking at the voting process through a Catholic lens, a distinct call to action arises with a centralized focus on the dignity of each person and the Common Good of all God’s creation.

What All Souls’ Day is all about

It’s good to think about purgatory as we approach All Souls’ Day — Nov. 2, the day after All Saints’ Day, when the church reminds us to take special note of loved ones, family and friends who may now be in purgatory yearning to be on their way to heaven.