Effie Caldarola: Season of Creation

The “Season of Creation” is an ecumenical effort runs from Sept. 1, which is the day in 2015 when Pope Francis introduced the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and lasts until Oct. 4, the feast of our environmental patron, St. Francis of Assisi.

Greg Erlandson: The emigrant’s brave farewell

We talk a great deal in this country about immigration, too often in language that is hostile or fearful. What we don’t talk about is emigration, the act of leaving one’s home.

Brett Robinson: In secret you will be repaid

St. Augustine was a “seller of words.” Prior to his conversion, St. Augustine was a professor of rhetoric in Rome, making money teaching students how to speak well and persuade audiences.

John Garvey: Holy days of obligation

The thing we lose with a diminished attention to holy days is not the opportunity to pray. It is the fact that we don’t all consecrate the day and celebrate together.