Much, including our politics, cannot go back to the way it was before. It is, as Pope Francis says, a time for choosing.
Jason Adkins: A time for choosing in politics
Jack Lawlis: Recreational marijuana in Minnesota and the common good
Legalizing recreational marijuana is a major issue for consideration during Minnesota’s 2020 legislative session. Many worry that legislators and the public have not fully realized the negative consequences that would likely follow legalization.
Jason Adkins: Blaine Amendments and bigotry
The U.S. Supreme Court is currently deliberating a case involving a Montana state constitutional provision steeped in historic anti-Catholic bigotry. The justices’ decision could drastically impact the future of school choice programs across the country.
Jason Adkins: Of monuments and imperfect men
We need to do a better job as a Church of telling our story — those of yesterday and of today — as well as reach out to those persons and communities who still struggle with the legacy of the sins and injustices of the past, whether Catholics committed them or not.
Jason Adkins: Mission trip exhibits joy of the Gospel, fight against throwaway culture
“As migration-related advocacy has been a significant focus of our work at Minnesota Catholic Conference over the past decade, I thought it important to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border to encounter the realities faced by those living and migrating there.”
Jason Adkins: Integral ecology as antidote to environmentalist pseudo-religion
Understanding and putting into practice Catholic social teaching is vital to address the challenges of creation stewardship without falling into the environmental activism today that often mimics religious apocalypticism.
In politics, we can all be like The Lord of the Rings’ Frodo Baggins
“The Lord of the Rings” trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien is a beautiful work showing the important role even the smallest and seemingly most insignificant people have in the drama of history.
Can Catholics disagree with the public policy positions of bishops?
This session, the Catholic bishops of Minnesota advocated in favor of a policy that would allow undocumented immigrants to drive legally in Minnesota. The bishops and Minnesota Catholic Conference staff have received plenty of feedback from Catholics throughout the state, and in many instances expressing their disagreement with that policy proposal.