The Church must be free to cultivate the life of prayer needed to nurture discipleship in people who can, in turn, be leaven in society.
Jason Adkins: A Church for the poor requires religious freedom
When it comes to politics, everything is connected
In his encyclical “Laudato si’,” Pope Francis proposes integral ecology as a new framework for reunifying the Church’s mission of public engagement.
Finding common ground for the common good
The Church’s concern for the common good was on display for all to see at Catholics at the Capitol on Feb. 19 as over 1,000 Minnesota Catholics came together with one voice to defend the dignity of the human person.
Civic friendship is an apostolate
In politics, we may have temporary opponents, but we must never mistake them for permanent enemies.
Faithful citizenship: Seek first the kingdom
St. Oscar Romero and Dorothy Day were leaders who Catholics can look to modeled faithful citizenship.
Countering infidelity with holiness
We must counter infidelity with greater fidelity, and be credible witnesses of the Gospel, especially when others fail.
‘Gaudete et Exsultate’ teaches us to make civic life a labor of love
Our engagement in politics is a mission in which our holiness of life is far more potent than mere activity.
Religious liberty and constructive freedom
The church in the United States observes Religious Freedom Week from June 22-29.