As Catholics, we lose a lot of battles in the public arena. Sometimes giving up and opting out appears to be the best option, but it is not.
Passing on the plans: ‘Rogue One’ rebel force needed in public arena
St. Francis: Tough words for lawmakers and citizens alike
St. Francis’ words remind us that, like him, we must enter into the public arena to be of service to our public servants.
Overdoses, suicides, gun violence and God-talk
Our society is failing to get to the bottom of the issues and unless we address these problems with an eye to the whole of the human person — a union of body and soul made for relationship with God and others — change will not come.
Combating racial disparities
Combating racial disparities will require overcoming policies championed by both the political right and left that entrench established ideological and economic power structures. In other words, it requires the wisdom of Catholic social teaching.
Politics for love of Jesus
Our participation in the public square allows us to influence law and policymaking to uphold and pursue the good of every human person which in turn invites us to have opportunities to love our neighbor through the political arena.
Breaking the state’s monopoly on hearts and minds
The education of children is the prerogative of the family, not the state. Parents are the first educators of their children
Immigration and living as an Easter people
Like with the Good Samaritan, love is a risk. Hypothetical outcomes don’t absolve us from our responsibility to do the right thing when the situation is presented
Michael Novak and the moral foundations of a free society
Free societies and free enterprise systems must be animated by people who understand they have been created and redeemed by the gratuitous and undeserved gift of God’s love.