Integrating Cuba more deeply into the family of nations has been a major priority of the last three popes. Each of these popes has visited Cuba, […]
Cuba: a mini-compendium of Catholic social doctrine
Bishops’ Capitol visit models faithful citizenship
When the bishops of Minnesota had breakfast with Gov. Mark Dayton and met with legislators at the State Capitol in mid-March, they weren’t just “keeping up […]
The state budget: Finding the right ‘measure’
One of the main debates at the State Capitol this year centers on what to do with a projected $900 million budget surplus, the result of […]
The failure of all-or-nothing politics
Too many elected officials today are mired in a political environment of hyper-partisanship and ideological rigidity Even one as accustomed to political victory as Otto von […]
Bringing Christ to the caucus
Venturing into the political realm today can be an unappealing prospect. Sometimes it seems that American politics appeals to our base fears and prejudices while advancing […]
Surrogacy and the throwaway culture
If surrogacy arrangements are without any negative consequences, as proponents contest, their vehement opposition to examining the issue more closely leaves us to wonder what the […]
Don’t make politics an idol
Politics is too often portrayed and practiced as if it were the solution to all problems and a font of salvation When we hear the word […]
Politics in the Year of Mercy
The current Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis is an opportunity to reconsider how the creative force of mercy can be extended to the realm […]