“Dream Small” is the theme of the 20th annual Middle School Diocesan Youth Rally, held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 27, at Cathedral High School, St. Cloud. The rally is for parish youth in grades six through eight and parish adults who serve them.
Luke Spehar, nationally-known recording artist and singer/songwriter from the Twin Cities area (pictured above), will present two keynotes. In addition, Tony Ducklow, ministry entrepreneur and trainer of youth leaders, will be part of the rally. The day includes workshops, prayer, adoration and fun activities. Bishop Donald Kettler will celebrate Mass to cap the rally. The collection at Mass will be donated to the Generation Next Fund, used to support participation in youth ministry events. Reconciliation will be available.
Participants are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food shelf donation. For each donated item, names will be entered into a prize drawing.
Early registration fee is $20 per person until noon Jan. 16 — $25 per person afterward. To register, download a file from www.stcdio.org/youthrally. T-shirts are available for $15 if ordered by Jan. 16.
Parishes have received information to register youth online. To register, visit www.stcdio.org/youthrally and download a file. Completed files should be emailed to Laura.Gorder@gw.stcdio.org.