January 14, 20254Sister Clare Crockett, who lived ‘exceptional, holy life,’ begins road to sainthood as cause opens
January 15, 20254 Católicos invocan la intercesión de María y de los santos en medio de los devastadores incendios en Los Ángeles
January 9, 20254El Papa nombra a una Misionera de la Consolata como la primera prefecta de un dicasterio
January 24, 2023 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm “From Pope Francis to the World: ‘The Letter’” (Environmental Crisis) — St. Joseph, St. Benedict’s Monastery St. Benedict’s Monastery - St. Joseph 104 Chapel Ln, St. Joseph St. Joseph • Spirituality Center at St. Benedict’s Monastery hosts “From Pope Francis to the World: ‘The Letter’” from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Led by Benedictine […]