Hispanic/Latino lay ministry program graduates receive certificates

Hispanic / Latino adults participating in a pilot program designed to train lay ministers received their certificates May 30 during a graduation Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Cloud. For the past two years, the 56 students met in Melrose monthly for a full weekend of study. The program was established in collaboration with the Pastoral Leadership Institute of the University of St. Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) in the Archdiocese of Chicago.

The graduating class with Bishop Donald Kettler. (Dianne Towalski/The Central Minnesota Catholic)


During his homily, Bishop Donald Kettler congratulated the graduates and urged them to be missionary disciples in their parishes and communities. “There remains much work to be done on the part of our diocese, on the part of the bishops, parishes and each one of you. Don’t end your studying, your prayer, your working tonight. Work with your pastors and God’s people in your communities to put into action what you have learned and what you have become better at. We need your commitments, your leadership and your discipleship to infuse our parishes and our Church, fulfilling your baptismal call and responsibility,” he said. (Dianne Towalski/The Central Minnesota Catholic)


Students congratulate each other after the Mass. (Dianne Towalski/The Central Minnesota Catholic)


Nelly Lorenzo, director of the Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, talks to the graduates and congratulates them on their accomplishment. (Dianne Towalski/The Central Minnesota Catholic)

Author: The Central Minnesota Catholic

The Central Minnesota Catholic is the magazine for the Diocese of St. Cloud.

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