Join the Benedictine Sisters in ‘Prayers for Peace in Troubled Times’

To promote peace in our uncertain times, the Sisters of St. Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph are hosting a week of focused daily prayer. It will be from 3 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, Jan. 13-17, at the Spirituality Center. All are welcome.

Benedictine Sister Bridgette Powers, who works at the Spirituality Center at St. Benedict’s Monastery, will lead the series.

She said, “A week of prayer for peace is an important priority in programming for the Spirituality Center. There is a deep need for peace in our world, with many countries experiencing armed conflict, and we pray for a peaceful transfer of power before the presidential inauguration in our own country.”

The week of prayer for peace will feature a different style of prayer each day, using “lectio divina” (holy reading of Scripture), Taizé prayer and office of readings (Liturgy of the Hours). The week will call on the Scripture and mediations and reflections on peace.

After the week is ended, individuals or groups can continue these prayers by focusing the intention of their prayer on peace.

Registration is appreciated but is not required. Register at         

The week of prayers for peace invites all to participate whenever it is possible: “Come as you are, whenever you can, as often as you can, to join others in a variety of prayer forms for pre-Inauguration Day peace in our hearts, our nation, our world.”

Sister Bridgette added, “We are hoping this week of prayer will create a deeper sense of peace in all people.”

Author: The Central Minnesota Catholic

The Central Minnesota Catholic is the magazine for the Diocese of St. Cloud.


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