In 1895 the first Catholics in Mora requested that Bishop Martin Marty send a priest to administer the sacraments. Later that year the parish was officially incorporated. Currently there are 375 households in the parish. Rita Clasemann, parish life coordinator at St. Mary Parish, answered the following questions.
Q: What is an interesting historical fact about your parish?
A: In the first 25 years, Mass was celebrated once or twice a month since it was considered a mission parish. Along with St. Kathryn Parish in Ogilvie, St. Mary serves all of Kanabec County. Our current sacramental minister, Crosier Father Eugene Plaisted, was baptized in this parish and celebrated his first Mass here.
Q: What is the most interesting facet of your church building?
A stained glass window in the church depicts the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt.
A: Upon entering St. Mary Church, visitors will be struck by the brilliant colors in the stained glass windows, which depict Mary’s role in the life of Jesus, from annunciation to her coronation as Queen of Heaven. The windows were designed and constructed by E. G. Eibon Stained Glass Studio of Minneapolis when the current structure was completed in 1954.
On the church grounds, visitors enjoy our Beatitude Garden. Dedicated by Bishop John Kinney in 2012, the concept was inspired by one of the Women’s Bible Study groups. Money, donated in memory of family members, purchased the stones engraved with a beatitude, which were created by a local artist at Mission Creek in Brook Park. Volunteers donated and planted perennials for every season. Parishioner Doug Yankowiak and the crew from Knife Lake Concrete poured the walkway.
Q: What is the most popular event or program at your parish?
A: On March 12, we will host the 17th concert by the Woodbury Chorus and Orchestra. This annual event raises money for the food shelves in Mora and Ogilvie. Last year, $13,078.15 was raised in that one afternoon. In its entire history here, the concert has funded $82,739.93, equivalent to 387,543 meals!
Meet the parish life coordinator
Rita Clasemann, parish life coordinator at St. Mary Parish, Mora
Clasemann, one of nine children, grew up on a farm between Browerville and Long Prairie and attended St. Peter Parish in Browerville (now part of Christ the King Parish). She graduated from the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph in elementary education, received a master’s degree in administration from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and studied theology at St. John’s School of Theology in Collegeville. After teaching in Melrose, Browerville and Long Prairie and serving as principal of Christ the King School, she was hired as pastoral associate at St. Mary’s in 1998, working under Father William Vos. She has been the parish life coordinator since 2005.
Q: What is a parish life coordinator?
A: A parish life coordinator is appointed by the bishop, in accord with Canon 517.2, to work collaboratively with a parish community in lieu of an onsite pastor. A canonical pastor and a sacramental minister are also appointed at the same time. Father Mike Kellogg, pastor of Mary of the Visitation Parish in Becker-Big Lake, currently serves as our canonical pastor. Father Plaisted comes on weekends, for feast days and for weddings and funerals to celebrate the Eucharist and other sacraments.
Q: What inspired you to become a parish life coordinator?
A: Upon the retirement of Father Vos in 2005, Bishop John Kinney appointed me parish life coordinator. It has been a true blessing in my life.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your daily life as a parish coordinator?
A: I enjoy sharing all the various facets of parish life with our good people — preparation for baptisms and marriages, teaching in our family faith formation program, ministry to the sick, dying and bereaved, leading the Word and Communion Services on weekday mornings, bringing Communion to the homebound, jail worship, working side by side at parish functions, and representing our parish at ecumenical community events. Together we have shared laughter and tears, hopes and dreams, challenges and successes.
Author: The Visitor
The Visitor is the official newpaper for the Diocese of Saint Cloud.