Pedal Pilgrimage planned for Feast of Assumption

Plans are underway for the Annual Pedal Pilgrimage starting and ending at the Assumption Chapel, also known as the Grasshopper Chapel, in Cold Spring on Thursday, Aug. 15, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary.

Starting at 3:30 p.m., pilgrims who participate in this prayerful 23-mile bike tour along country roads and trails will make stops in Richmond, Jacobs Prairie and Rockville before returning to the Assumption Chapel in time for Mass at 7 p.m.

While the prayer during the pilgrimage will be in a Roman Catholic style, the pilgrimage is open to people of all faith traditions. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Bikers should wear a helmet.

To receive a pre-registration form, contact Registration becomes official when a signed registration and liability waver form is accepted with a $10 fee.

Early bird registrants may order a Pedal Pilgrimage T-shirt for $10 before Aug. 5. After Mass, pilgrims and their families are welcome to an optional $7 pizza dinner at Marnanteli’s Pizza in Cold Spring.

Assumption Chapel is located atop Chapel Hill on Pilgrimage Road off of Maple Hill Road, south of Highway 23 in Cold Spring. (The rosary will be prayed at 6:30 p.m. that evening.)

Author: The Central Minnesota Catholic

The Central Minnesota Catholic is the magazine for the Diocese of St. Cloud.

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