Participants from around the diocese gathered at St. John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville Oct. 23 for Diocesan Ministry Day. Held every other year, this year’s event was bilingual and gave area Catholics an opportunity to celebrate their faith and the gifts they bring to their parishes and Area Catholic Communities.
The day was also the official launch of the diocese’s local participation in the upcoming world Synod of Bishops. The afternoon included an introduction to the synod process and breakout sessions dedicated to synod discussion.
Cheryl Weller, a member of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Elrosa, part of the Parishes on the Prairie Area Catholic Community, and Lora Knafla from Annunciation Parish in Mayhew Lake, part of the One in Christ ACC, sing during the Mass.
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Aaron Carpenter, diocesan director of worship, right, and Deacon Jim Schultzetenberg assist Bishop Donald Kettler during the Diocesan Ministry Day opening Mass.
"We are here today to celebrate the Holy Spirit and Gods' walking with us ... after a couple of years of separation due to the coronavirus," Bishop Kettler said during his homily. "This synod is an opportunity for us to journey together with Jesus and one another."
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
A participant prays during the opening Mass.
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
The morning keynote speaker was Cindy Liliana González, a graduate of St. John’s School of Theology and Seminary, where she currently teaches courses in Spanish on family ministry through the Emmaus Institute. She spoke about hospitality, saying," We are all at one point the stranger in need of hospitality." She also spoke about how the story of Moses and the burning bush offers a lens through which to view radical hospitality: listen to the person, give adequate space, and "remove your sandals" because you're standing on holy ground."
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Franciscan Sister Karen Niedzielski takes a few notes during the keynote talk.
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
David Fremo, director of Catholic Education Ministries for the diocese, facilitates a breakout session on the synod. Pope Francis has asked dioceses around the world to engage in a listening process in the lead up to the international gathering to better understand where the Holy Spirit wants to lead the Church. This was the first synod consultation in the diocese, more are coming over the next several months for this process of praying, listening and discerning.
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Father Oswaldo Roche, parochial vicar of St. Michael, St.Paul and St. Peter, Parishes in St. Cloud and St. Joseph, Waite Park, participates in the synod discussion for the Latino community.
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Lisa Conway, right, a member of St. Joseph Parish in Waite Park
and Darlene Rau from St. Paul Parish in St. Cloud, both part of the Together as One Area Catholic Community, participate in a brekout session on the synod.
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Participants walk to the Great Hall after Mass for refreshments.
Photo Dianne Towalski / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Fathers Aaron Kuhn, left, Tom Skaja, right, Patrick Hoeft and Aaron Nett were among the priests from around the diocese who concelebrated Mass with Bishop Kettler.
Photo Gianna Bonello / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Deacon Jim Schultzetenberg helps Bishop Kettler with the sprinkling rite following the renewal of baptismal promises during Mass.
Photo Gianna Bonello / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Participants gathered at the Pellegrene Auditorium for the morning keynote.
Photo Gianna Bonello / The Central Minnesota Catholic
Diocesan planning director, Brenda Kresky, gives Benedictine Father Roger Klassen, pastor of St. Joseph Parish in St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist in Collegeville, a lift during the day.
Photo Gianna Bonello / The Central Minnesota Catholic