January 16, 20254‘Evandalism’ event gives Christ Our Light parishioners a chance to put their mark on new church building
January 16, 20254MCC releases letter from Minnesota bishops to legislative leaders on sports gambling
January 14, 20254Sister Clare Crockett, who lived ‘exceptional, holy life,’ begins road to sainthood as cause opens
January 15, 20254 Católicos invocan la intercesión de María y de los santos en medio de los devastadores incendios en Los Ángeles
January 9, 20254El Papa nombra a una Misionera de la Consolata como la primera prefecta de un dicasterio
Homepage Nation/World Photos of the Week: April 3, 2023 Photos of the Week: April 3, 2023 April 2, 2023 OSV News Nation/WorldNo comments Lebanese Catholics take part in a Palm Sunday procession in Qlayaa April 2, 2023. (OSV News photo/Aziz Taher, Reuters) Christians carry palm fronds as they walk the traditional path that Jesus took on his last entry into Jerusalem during the Palm Sunday procession on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem April 2, 2023. (OSV News photo/Debbie Hill) Pope Francis comforts Miguel Angel after baptizing the baby boy in Rome’s Gemelli hospital March 31, 2023. The pope spent about half an hour in the hospital’s pediatric oncology ward the afternoon before he was scheduled to be released from Gemelli after being treated for bronchitis. (CNS photo/Holy See Press Office) Students from the nearby Harpeth Hall School pray while visiting a memorial at the entrance to the Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn., March 29, 2023. Three adults and three children, all 9 years old, were fatally shot at the Covenant School March 27. (OSV News photo/Cheney Orr, Reuters) Following Mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart in Washington for the feast of St. Oscar Romero, March 24, 2023, Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory, center, and Washington Auxiliary Bishop Evelio Menjívar, right, greet Saul Alvarenga, who attended the Mass dressed as the martyred saint. (OSV News photo/Mihoko Owada, Catholic Standard)