‘Reboot,’ with Chris Stefanick, comes to Alexandria Oct. 20

The Come to the Waters Area Catholic Community is sponsoring “Reboot,” featuring Chris Stefanick, at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, at St. Mary Church in Alexandria.

Stefanick, one of the keynote speakers at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July, is internationally known for his books, live programs, podcasts and television programs. He connects with people of all ages and at all levels of faith. Enthusiastic and engaging in sharing his love of Jesus, he challenges others to do the same.

The Come to the Waters ACC Reboot planning team is made up of members from all three parishes — St. Nicholas in Belle River, Immaculate Conception in Osakis and St. Mary in Alexandria.

Cathleen Nordling, who is heading this project, said,Reboot is geared to everyone ages 12 and up and we hope to get the invitation out to all across the diocese. Many couldn’t attend the Eucharistic Congress and this is an amazing opportunity to hear him. Within our ACC, our Reboot planning team is reaching out to our active and involved parishioners as well as those who may not be attending Mass. We especially hope to reach out to those who have left the Catholic faith.”

Tammy Huss, director of faith formation for the ACC, said that people may be familiar with Stefanick in other ways.

“Besides hearing Stefanick this summer in Indianapolis, we use some faith formation curriculum which features him. And we gave out his book, ‘Living Joy,’ at Christmas a few years ago.”

Reboot is an inspiring, practical and fun experience that encourages participants to apply the beauty and genius of the Gospel to every aspect of daily life, from dating, marriage, parenting, work and health to prayer and spirituality, she said.

In addition, Nordling said that many people follow Stefanick either through social media or his YouTube channel or receive his “Two Minute Tuesday” emails.

“As word spreads throughout our diocese, people are getting excited to come and hear Chris, but more importantly, excited to have an opportunity to renew their faith and desire to live the Gospel message with joy,” she said. “We know hearing him can transform lives, transform our parishes — Reboot is just the beginning. We hope to build on the event with more opportunities for people to come together in small groups to continue the Reboot message.”

“We can’t wait for Chris to ignite the Holy Spirit in our parish,” Huss said. “We are hoping he will light a fire in each person attending and elevate their faith to the next level.”

Early bird pricing tickets are $33 to $39, until Oct. 2. For information or to purchase tickets, visit https://bit.ly/3M3Kyk3.

Author: Nikki Rajala

Nikki Rajala is a writer/copy editor for The Central Minnesota Catholic Magazine.

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