Seventh Station: Jesus Falls a Second Time

By Crosier Father Ernie Martello
Onamia Priory

Holy Cross in Onamia

Jesus, you are like us in all things but sin. You are weak like us in your human nature. You have endured a lot already since the agony in the garden. Taken in hand, by the Temple guards, you are badly treated from the first moment of your passion. You have lost a lot of blood in the scourging at the pillar and in the crowning with thorns. You are heavily burdened with the sin and failure of all of humanity.

Under the heavy burden of the cross you fall again. I thank you for falling for my sake, and for all of us. How often in my life I am saddened by a loss or a failure. You show yourself to be human and to suffer from fatigue and weariness. How often I fail in following you in the way of the great commandments of love.

Your acceptance of weakness makes me feel close to you. And as you get up again, your example gives me courage to keep going and to keep on carrying the cross of my human weakness.

Thank you, Jesus, from the bottom of my heart for your showing us your humanity.

“Soul of Christ, be my sanctification; Body of Christ, be my salvation; Blood of Christ, fill all my veins; Water of Christ’s side, wash out my stains; Passion of Christ, my comfort be; O good Jesus, listen to me; In Thy wounds I fain would hide, Ne’er to be parted from Thy side; Guard me, should the foe assail me; Call me when my life shall fail me; Bid me come to Thee above, With Thy saints to sing Thy love, World without end. Amen” (“Soul of Christ,” a favorite prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola).

Author: The Visitor

The Visitor is the official newpaper for the Diocese of Saint Cloud.

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