More than 500 members of the Knights of Columbus from around Minnesota gathered at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud May 13 to 15 for the organization’s state convention.
The event, sponsored by councils 961, 5548, 12098 and 12822, included business meetings, awards, social time, and Mass with Bishop Donald Kettler.
During the convention State Deputy Joe Konrardy announced that the Knights of Columbus in Minnesota donated $36.5 million in cash and volunteer hours last year, including:
* A financial contribution of varying amounts to all 178 seminarians studying in Minnesota.
* $1 million to community initiatives in Minnesota and internationally — for example, the organization’s wheelchair initiative currently has a container of 280 wheelchairs ready to send to Columbia.
* $1.17 million to various church activities, such as the Marian Hour of Prayer, which has five icons currently traveling across the state.
* 37 tons of food and $52,000 to food shelves in Minnesota.
* 5,800 volunteer hours and $400,000 in financial contributions to the Special Olympics.
* $450,000 to youth initiatives, such as soccer championships, a free throw contest, a “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest and the organization’s annual essay contest.
A silent auction held Friday evening raised nearly $5,000 for the Knights of Columbus’ student loan program.