Thanks to generous donors, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal is nearing its goal and making a difference in the lives of Catholics across the diocese.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2020 update: ‘Transformed by faith, sent in service to all’
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: Emmaus Institute helps form leaders for the future
“What I learned, what I saw, was that being a disciple means to go out and do it, don’t wait,” said Mayuli Bales, one of the co-founders of the Emmaus Institute. A student herself, she has seen firsthand the impact the classes are already having on the other students.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: Vocation office is a conduit for God’s voice
The Vocation Office, comprised of three people — director Father Scott Pogatchnik, associate director Father Doug Liebsch and secretary Julie Jacobs — seeks to help people explore God’s plan for their lives.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: TV Mass keeps people connected
Residents at Guardian Angels Riverview Landing in Otsego gather every Wednesday morning in the building’s chapel to watch the televised Mass, thanks to the pastoral team […]