The announcement of a new conscience protection rule May 2 protecting health care workers who object to abortion procedures on religious grounds was welcome news to U.S. Catholic bishops and the president of the Catholic Health Association.
Catholic officials pleased with new conscience protection rule
Assisted suicide now law in N.J.; cardinal calls it ‘morally unacceptable’
ardinal Joseph W. Tobin of Newark called New Jersey’s new law allowing assisted suicide regrettable, saying “whatever its motives and means,” it is “morally unacceptable.”
Royal College of Physicians adopts neutral policy on assisted suicide
On March 21, the professional body for doctors in the U.K. dropped its traditional opposition to assisted suicide, in spite of a poll that found that a majority of its members remain opposed to the practice.
Legislative update: recreational marijuana, commercial surrogacy, assisted suicide
Marijuana bill is snuffed out, commercial surrogacy bill is still alive and assisted suicide measure stalls
Another form of assisted suicide that must be rejected
As various states and nations continue to debate euthanasia and the legal and ethical boundaries of interventions to cause death, different strategies emerge to circumvent legal processes and hasten death when desired.
Appeals court upholds decision overturning California assisted suicide
A California appeals court has denied Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s request for an immediate stay on a lower court ruling that overturned the state’s assisted suicide law.
The politics of language
Even when the media or individuals adopt misleading terminology, we are not powerless. We can recapture the terms and employ them effectively.
Assisted suicide, abortion, school aid among issues tackled by states
Assisted suicide, abortion restrictions, health insurance coverage of abortion, financial aid for nonpublic schools and some tax relief for low-income families are among the issues being tackled by state legislatures across the country.