In his remarks Nov. 13, the first day of the USCCB meeting, Cardinal Dolan lauded the bishops’ longtime collaboration with the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment.
Abortion, assisted suicide focus of pro-life activities, says cardinal
Capitol event showed importance of reaching out to legislators
On March 9, 70-plus people from the Diocese of St. Cloud joined others from throughout Minnesota for the first Catholics at the Capitol event. This well-organized gathering included addresses from each of the bishops of Minnesota, outlining the three key issues we were to focus on in our legislative meetings later in the day.
Staying to the end: Why we need to say no to assisted suicide
Quality of life is not defined in isolation solely by symptoms and pain scales; it is determined in no small measure by the kindness and mercy of those around the person in need. These often emerge at the end of life’s story in ways we never knew before.
Catholics, it’s time to come to the Capitol!
This year, the bishops of Minnesota are hosting an exciting event in St. Paul on March 9 called Catholics at the Capitol.
Cardinal Dolan urges stronger effort to stop physician-assisted suicide
The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities has called for increased efforts and “renewed vigor” to stop legalized physician-assisted suicide after the practice was approved by voters in Colorado and the District of Columbia City Council.
Catholic groups urge physicians to support AMA code on assisted suicide
Two Catholic organizations are calling on physicians to urge the American Medical Association to maintain its current stance against physician-assisted suicide.
Toronto, Ottawa prelates call faithful to action against euthanasia
OTTAWA, Ontario (CNS) — The Catholic archbishops in two of Canada’s largest English-speaking dioceses stepped up their campaign against euthanasia and assisted suicide, calling the faithful […]