The warning from U.S.-based Human Life International follows a French government announcement that it will provide $7.5 million to women’s civil society organizations in Africa to improve their response to the violence in 10 countries.
Pro-life organization says promoting abortion is hidden agenda for women’s rights groups
John Paul I and the pill: He wanted change, but accepted ‘Humanae Vitae’
On the eve of the World Meeting of Families and with a view toward the beatification Sept. 4 of Pope John Paul I, attention turned to his initial openness to softening Catholic teaching on contraception and his later support for the teaching of St. Paul VI.
Theologian inspires U.S. church 50 years after his death
There’s little doubt among the church’s deep thinkers that renowned theologian Jesuit Father John Courtney Murray continues to shape Catholic social thought and interaction today, 50 years after his death.