Coming right on the heels of the diocesan phase is “the continental stage” of consultations, which will consist of a series of 10 Zoom meetings for delegates chosen by each diocese in the United States and Canada, Bishop Daniel Flores said.
Pace of preparations is quickening as synod on synodality approaches
Bishops approve new Mass texts for St. Paul VI, Our Lady of Loreto
The texts were introduced Nov. 15 during the bishop’s fall general meeting in Baltimore.
Revised Program of Priestly Formation formally introduced to bishops
The U.S. bishops heard Nov. 11 of plans to revise the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ existing Program of Priestly Formation for U.S. dioceses.
USCCB assembly to review third-party reporting system, elect new officers
Gathering in Baltimore Nov. 11-13, the bishops’ agenda includes an update on the Program on Priestly Formation, a progress report on the establishment of a nationwide, third-party reporting system for abuse or misconduct by bishops, and a vote on new leadership.
‘Ugly cancer of racism’ infects U.S., bishops say in proposed pastoral
The proposed statement, “Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love — A Pastoral Letter Against Racism,” is expected to be considered for approval during the bishops’ Nov. 12-14 fall general assembly in Baltimore. However, the agenda for the meeting has not been finalized.