El Papa Francisco anunció que canonizará a los beatos Carlo Acutis y Pier Giorgio Frassati el próximo año y que el Vaticano acogerá un Encuentro Mundial sobre los Derechos del Niño el 3 de febrero.
El Papa dice que canonizará a Carlo Acutis y Pier Giorgio Frassati y organizará un encuentro sobre los derechos del niño
Beatified teen showed that heaven is ‘attainable goal,’ cardinal says
The teen loved St. Francis “very much,” his mother, Antonia Salzano, told Catholic News Service Oct. 9. St. Francis “was a very Eucharistic soul who used to attend Mass twice a day,” and her son sought to imitate that same Eucharistic devotion throughout his brief life.
Tomb of young Italian tech whiz opened for veneration
The tomb of Carlo Acutis was opened in advance of the Italian teen’s Oct. 10 beatification Mass and will remain open for veneration until Oct. 17.