This year, the three-day event, geared toward teenagers of high school age and their chaperones, will be held Nov. 14-16 at the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center in Long Beach, California.
West Coast NCYC gives teens 3 days to ‘live their faith out loud’
Taking risks in faith led Christina Lamas to break barriers, focus on empowering Catholic youth
When asked how her faith and culture impact her day-to-day life and responsibilities as the executive director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, Christina Lamas responds with a brief yet resolute, “It grounds me.”
Catholic retreats influence college-bound teen to draw others into the faith
After attending Catholic retreats, teen Susana Coronado says they helped her see that talking about God isn’t something she should be embarrassed about; it’s something to be proud of.
St. Albert Initiative on science and faith aimed at high school students
The first St. Albert Initiative, named after St. Albert the Great, bishop, scientist, philosopher, theologian, teacher, and patron saint of natural science and scientists, drew more than 100 high school students and educators.
Musician Matt Maher to youth: Waste spare time at the feet of Jesus
Catholic musician Matt Maher has some advice for young people: Waste more time at the feet of Jesus, and the rest of your life should go according to God’s plan.
‘Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit’
Like most high school juniors, Joseph Meier juggles sports, studies, family life and friendships. For the past year, he also prepared for the sacrament of confirmation, […]