Let’s assume you have decided to start laying up treasures in heaven by practicing the charity that the Catholic Church has always encouraged, in keeping with your financial means. Maybe you take 10 percent of your pre-tax income and divide it two ways, with 5 percent going to your parish and the other half to charities of your choosing.
The Catholic practice of charity
Knights’ success built on founder’s desire for charity
Before he was 30, Michael McGivney had founded what was to become the largest Catholic men’s organization in the world: the Knights of Columbus.
Thanks to area Knights, small treat makes big difference
During the month of April, many Knights of Columbus councils will hold their annual Campaign for Intellectual Disabilities, commonly known as the Tootsie Roll Drive.
Ask Father Tom: How do we live together responsibly and charitably?
Practical solutions to complex social problems are not simple or obvious, and people of good will may disagree, yet searching for the best answers can still be done with respect, civility, common courtesy and sincere prayer.
Valentine’s Day, life as a couple and Ash Wednesday
This year, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same day. Many will think that we will not be able to celebrate with our partners, but there are interesting parallels between true love as a couple and Lent.
Notable quotes from Pope Benedict XVI
Here is a collection of notable quotes from Pope Benedict XVI from homilies, documents, messages and speeches from 2005 to 2013, the years he served as pope.
Pope asks Communion and Liberation to let founder’s vision grow
More than 60,000 members of the movement filled St. Peter’s Square to overflowing Oct. 15 as they celebrated with Pope Francis the 100th anniversary of the birth of Father Luigi Giussani, the movement’s founder.
Vermont parish celebrates birth of Servant of God Joseph Dutton
Why would a parish celebrate the 179th anniversary of someone’s birth?