In addition to individual confession with one of four priests who will be available, the day includes exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, adoration and votive candles for penitents to light at the front of the church. Sacred music also will play quietly in the church.
Holy Saints ACC to host ‘Confesstival’ with prayer, penance
Laura Kelly Fanucci: Shepherd or judge? A tale of two sacraments
My son “understood by instinct that reconciliation was rooted in God’s love and care, so his first encounter with confession was free from anxiety or fear.”
Seal of confession a topic of debate after French abuse report
Church and government leaders in France are at odds over whether priests should be required to report the abuse of minors if they learn about it in the sacrament of confession.
Pope to confessors: Be fathers, brothers who offer consolation, mercy
Every confessor should understand he is a sinner, forgiven by God, and he is there to offer his brothers and sisters — sinners, too — the same divine mercy and forgiveness he has received, Pope Francis said.
Cardinal upholds ‘probable invalidity’ of confession by phone
Even though the world is facing a pandemic that may limit many people’s ability to celebrate the sacraments, particularly those people who are in isolation, quarantining or hospitalized with COVID-19, confession by phone is still most likely invalid, said Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary.
Decline in confession called harmful to church’s mission to spread Gospel
With COVID restrictions lifting, pastors looking to welcome faithful back should rethink their confession schedules.
Vatican says general absolution may be permissible during pandemic
In places particularly hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic and with severe limits on people leaving their homes, conditions may exist to grant general absolution to the faithful without them personally confessing their sins first, the Vatican said.
Father Kenneth Doyle: What to say in confession/ Reverence needed in church
Confession after 10 years/ Appropriate dress for Mass